Our Dream Team


Shreya Sharma

, Founder

Shreya has been an advocate for helping animals ever since the age of 2 when her parents took her to a park. She refused to have water in the sultry heat of Delhi as all the stray animals there looked parched. Her mother being an avid animal lover, offered to share her stash with them. “Let’s not go too close as they might not be in a good mood. I don’t blame them, this heat would make the sanest of us edgy.” said her father placing a bowl of water next to their bench. The yin and yang of that incident carved a life long path for Shreya: To help humans and animals coexist in this world by providing awareness, education and empathy to both sides.


Asha Shukla Choubey

, Co-Founder

Dr. Asha is the force behind this foundation. Her day job is that of an Associate Professor at Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi University. But by night, she is the messiah to the strays and pets in and around her area, helping them in whatever way needed. Her compassion for animals combined with her background in Education and experiences with several campaigns and projects makes her the perfect leader in this space.


Sarita Sharma

, Co-Founder

Sarita is the gooey center to our operation. She was raised in a house with equal number of dogs and cows as humans. All her life, she has lived and breathed love for animals above all until she married her I-am-too-busy-to-even-have-animals-on-my-radar husband. This started a life-long mission to show each other their perspectives and finding ways to merge them. They were so successful in doing it that now a typical day involves feeding the birds, or stray dogs, or donating to the local Gaushalas, all the while respecting the animals’ boundaries and taking into account human concerns & fears.

Our Happy Helpers



Our spunky little doggu who knows the ways of the streets. She will cuddle, snuggle and protect you till the ends of the earth if you are nice to her, but knows how to protect herself with anyone being funky. She teaches us every day how to be a survivor and fight for what is yours, all the while being loyal as hell to the ones who care.



He is the sweetheart, brown eyed doggu, who does not have a fierce bone in his body. He has the most subtle soul and gentle mannerisms with an inability to ask for food or to protect himself. He teaches us every day how to be in this sometimes cruel, always demanding world, with just kindness on your side.


Compassion for All.

Coexistence with All.